Job Search Overview

Learn about the best approaches to finding a job in your target country from GoinGlobal local researchers.

Below is a brief excerpt from this section:

Finding a job in Spain can seem like an insurmountable task, particularly when you consider the drastic changes that the pandemic and the economic crisis have caused in the national job market. While most job information is published online nowadays, networking, both in-person and online, remains a central step in finding employment in the country. As the pandemic accelerated the importance of online spaces and remote jobs, few positions are still published by traditional means, such as newspapers and billboards at local institutions. 

These are now the best sources you can use to find a job in Spain:

• Internet (specialized websites, job portals, social networks and apps) 
• Job fairs and career events          
Networking events                                
• Government offices and social services at all levels (local, municipal, provincial, regional, national and European institutions)         
Personal contacts  
• Professional associations
• Job agencies, mainly known in Spain as Agencias de colocación (job placement agencies)
Temporary work agencies, commonly known in Spanish as ‘ETTs’ (Empresas de Trabajo Temporal, temporary employment companies)
Chambers of commerce

Most of the formal sources listed above are useful when looking for a job in a big city or with international companies and public organizations, but personal contacts can often be the most effective route to finding work in Spain. Small and medium-sized companies in particular tend to use informal methods of recruitment, such as word-of-mouth, direct networking and speculative applications.

Social media is a useful and quick way to find professional communities near you, so you can begin networking in your field. Plus, as a result of the pandemic, more jobs have become partially or fully remote, and many employers look for new candidates online.

This is just a brief sample of the extensive information in the GoinGlobal Spain Career Guide, which is carefully researched and regularly updated by career experts.

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