USA Careers

Catch the Attention of US-Focused Jobseekers

If a user is scrolling through your databases strictly looking for opportunities in the United States, they may pass by a career resource called GoinGlobal. That is why, as part of your subscription, we provide two unique URLs for accessing our resources: one for the GoinGlobal and a second to USA Careers.

Double Your Reach

USA Careers is an exact replica of GoinGlobal. The collection of resources included in both platforms are exactly the same. The only difference is USA Careers is named and branded to appeal to constituents primarily interested in opportunities in the USA who may, inadvertently, pass by a resource listing for GoinGlobal. If your organization is based in the United States, or has particular interest in career resources for the United States, we strongly recommend using both resources to engage your users. You are welcome to list both databases separately on your website, intranet, library resources and CSM at no extra charge. We provide everything you need to do so.

two platforms

Highlighting the US Country and City Career Guides

Using USA Careers in tandem with GoinGlobal is ideal for all kinds of jobseekers, including college grads, career changers, relocating partners, and anyone exploring new work opportunities within the United States.

Our USA City Career Guides collection includes up-to-date career and employment resources for 47 of the largest metropolitan areas across America and provides both new and experienced job seekers with a comprehensive toolkit for fast tracking their career search.

The United States is included in our Country Career Guides collection, which embraces a total of 42 countries featuring 70+ pages of localized career expertise from our employment experts.